
'HowDidiDo' is a service provided free by the suppliers of our competitions software.

Once a week, normally Monday, our competitions team upload the latest competition results and members handicaps. These can then be accessed on line by any club member.

Statistics. HowDidiDo compiles personal statistics, and displays them graphically. You can see a graph of your handicap, Par averages, hole analysis etc.

Not every competition result will be available, as some formats do not go through our software system (e.g. team events like FBBB)

To access the service simply click on the button below to be re-directed to the 'HowDidiDo' web site and, if you are already registered, log in, otherwise just follow the simple registration process.

HowDidiDo can be accessed either via a mobile app (Android and Apple) or on a PC / Laptop via a browser (