2024 Open Days - Results

If you played in one of our Open days, thank you for helping to make it a special day. We hope you enjoyed it, and look forward to seeing you again in the future.



RESULTS - Saturday June 22nd 2023, SUMMER OPEN DAY, Better‑Ball

The results from Saturdays Open are as follows: -

1st - Chris Parker / Graham Hall - 48pts (£150.00 each)
2nd - Tim Steele / Janet Steele - 46pts (£100.00 each)
3rd - Derek Brassington / Shaun Greenwood - 44pts (£80.00 each)
4th - Harold Box / Keith Glassell - 43pts (On countback) (£60.00 each)
5th - Wayne Robinson / Frank Robinson - 43pts (£40.00 each)

Nearest Pin - Lewes Jeffels (£50.00)
Nearest Line - Richard Overend (£50.00)

2's Pot
McMahon / Haley
Prentice / Stanswix
Prentice / Hammond
Watts / Meakin
Dawson / Lindley
Hirst / Smith
Simpson / Perrow
Ramsden / Wood
Platt / Johnstone
Clarke / Flannagan
Saint / Allatt
Jeffels / Jeffels
Greenwood / Brassington
Carter / Riley
Cosgrove / Cosgrove
Padgett / Swales
Masters / Simms
Robinson / Robinson (x 3)

All pairs receive 5x Lucky 7's tickets (Per 2)

All winners' vouchers will be available in the Pro-Shop from Thursday.

All cards with 42pts and over will be submitted for handicapping purposes.

Thank you to all players for making the day a success and congratulations to all winners. We hope to see you again next year.

RESULTS - Ladies Open Day - Thursday 13th June 2024, AM / AM Team event

Thank you to all who played in the open Day, and 'well done' to the winners below.

1st with a score of 85
From Selby and Malton
T Hoggard
D Wilson
P Stageman
C Simpson

2nd with a score of 80
From Low Laithes and City of Wakefield
C Simpson
J Starkey
F Smart
L Milnes

3rd with a score of 74
From Normanton and Hanging Eaton
J West
L Weighll
M Hay
L Haligan

RESULTS - Mens Senior (EGGS) OPEN DAY, Tuesday June 4th

The Eggs held their Men’s Senior Open Day on Tuesday which attracted 136 golfers from far and wide to Normanton. The course was in superb condition and the weather was not too unkind. Our visitors were very complimentary about the club, the staff and the course, borne out by many returning year after year.

The Ladies section once again helped out by serving the complimentary refreshments at the half way house. This year the committee and the club captain agreed to donate the collection to the Royal British Legion in commemoration of the D Day Landings. Our visitors and club members were very generous and the fantastic sum of £319.21 was raised. This ,in addition to the two flags purchased by the Eggs for their nearest the pins on the 2nd and 10th meant £359.21 has been sent to the Royal British Legion.

The course proved to be challenging and with the introduction of course rating minus par, scores were lower than usual.

The results were
1st   Andrew Hobson  and      Shaun  Moyser   44pts  Willow Valley  
2nd   Trevor Jones        and       Phil Turner          43pts  NGC
3rd    Steve Swales       and       Emlyn Pickup      43pts  NGC
4th     David Holt           and       Dave Coward      43pts   NGC
5th     Dean Williams    and      Roger Patrice      42pts   Outlane

Nearest Pin 2nd   Ron Eames              8’7”
Nearest Pin 10th David Tee Hanby   1’11”

There were 12 two’s each receiving a complementary sleeve of balls.

A big thank you to everyone who helped on the day, particularly the ladies who ran the half way house and Tina and her team for keeping the golfers fed and watered, also Sharon and Callum and Sarah for their help and support.

Eggs Committee